T2F Group, accounting and statutory auditing firm

"As members of a society that is profoundly changing, we are aware of the economic and social transformations that we, our clients and us, face. Our vision is based on our core values.

Technological developments, new communication methods, innovations and the development of artificial intelligence, as well as the complexity of regulations, the proliferation of standards and legislative, fiscal and social instability are all areas that have or will have an impact on the lives of our organisations.


In a constantly developing technological environment, our goal is to support you by adapting as best we can to your expectations and requirements or to your own technological constraints, and by providing you with maximum efficiency.
Given that the value of our work is increasingly based on our advice and expertise, we are constantly developing new working methods in order to reduce the time we spend on lower-value-added activities.

Our qualified and experienced staff are trained in using high-performing and innovative business tools, some of which we may suggest being used on our agreed scope of work.
Our business tools contribute to the excellent level of service that we strive for.


Established by Thibault Faure, its founder and manager, the T2F Group aims to become a leading consultancy and auditing firm in the Paris and South-West regions, particularly in the areas of accounting, tax, employment, advice and in providing strategic support to micro-enterprises and SMEs.

Our teams in Toulouse and Paris will use their multi-disciplinary skills to meet your needs, in an approach based on key values inherent to our business, such as support and listening, trust, high standards, utility and innovation, with a view to providing a high-quality and effective service."